Friday, May 31, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday-#3

Drat! It's that time again... Weigh-In Wednesday (well, it's actually Friday now- but it was Wednesday when I started writing this post!). And once again I failed to remember to step on the scale first thing this morning. Luckily, I hadn't eaten yet, but I had already taken a shower (and it's common knowledge that short wet hair weighs at least 3 pounds, donchaknow?) so I totally have to account for that. {wink, wink}

But seriously, this week wasn't such a good week for me either (do I hear the echoes of last week ringing in my ears?) I seriously can't help it though! See, my {our} biggest problem is we are right in the midst of several HUGE DIY projects on our home. Tim works ridiculously crazy hours during the week, and busts hump the whole time, so I don't dare ask him to do any 'house work' in the evenings. I just save all of that for weekends!

By the time we have breakfast and get out and get rolling on Saturday and Sunday mornings, nobody takes time to think about lunch or dinner until we are all ravenous- and then we just grab whatever we can stuff in our face holes. Needless to say, it's not necessarily the most nutritious (or even delicious) food available and it's HELL on our healthy eating!

Alright, I'll step down off my soapbox and end my rant there. Time to pony up this week's stats:

372 lbs
Week 1
365.4 lbs
-6.6 lbs
Week 2
364 lbs
-1.4 lbs
Week 3
364 lbs
Well, at least I didn't gain! That's really all I can say. And I do have to say that instead of making me want to give up, it has just inspired me to want to work harder. Everyday when I look at my kids, or get hampered by my limitations, I realize why I am doing this.

Do I want to be thinner to look beautiful, shop in a 'normal' store, and/or wear a 'normal' size? Sure I do! But I have far more loftier reasons for doing what I am doing and they don't involve wearing a size 10 (although that will be really awesome!).

All I know is that whatever I do, I have to continue to channel my Little En'Jenn' that Could- 'I know I can, I know I can, I know I can!' Because as my blogger friend Mel so appropriately put it on her blog in a recent post:


Don't give up on me yet, guys. I may be down... but I'm not out.

Til next time... may the fork be with you!


  1. Found you on the #supersummer and was glad to see another Carolina girl. I am actually at a conference in Greenville next week! would love to do the accountability buddy thing with you @jeniferanne

    1. Love it Jen! So glad to see someone close by participating too! I need all the help I can get... oy vey! Let me know when you're in town and we could meet up- I'm wide open except Friday. Good luck on the challenge and try not to melt in the heat. Feel free to hit me up on Twitter (@Lvngfabulessly) but I definitely don't mind comments on the blog- still trying to get the word out there that I'm actually here! #supersummer in full swing and Jenn OUT!
